Pauvre Terre 

Artist Bio

The duo Pauvre Terre, based in Brussels, consist of the visual artists Luca Reverdit and Pauline Sesniac. They explore the politics of care, speculative fabulation, sensitive filiation, visual anthropology, and situated knowledge. Their diverse artistry questions  creative processes, exemplified by projects like "Stalactites in a white cube." Unveiling ecosystems in caves shaped by erosion and water infiltration, the artists merge artificial intelligence and artisanal reproduction, challenging the roles of artist, institution, and the art market. Driven by ecofeminism and a critical approach towards capitalism, their aim is to deterritorialize the White Cube and foster a new ecology of images and a reconciliation between nature and culture. This endeavor prompts a reevaluation of artistic, cultural, and creative protocols, diving into a detailed exploration of the interplay between humanity and environment, advocating for a non-anthropocentric narrative.

Follow | Contact

Pauline Sesniac
Instagram: @pauline.sesniac

Luca Reverdit
Instagram: @docteur___lulu

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