
Artist Bio

Takaiah - the feminist artist living in Europe.

“Art wasn't supposed to look nice; it was supposed to make you feel something.” - Rainbow Rowell

This quote has become the artist's maxim. In her works, she draws on themes that are not only evoke emotions, but also provoke discussion. Through her art, she speaks about acceptance, tolerance and current social and political problems. Her art is full of symbols and references to current events. That is why in her work she most often uses the linocut as the most primal form of art communication. She turned the limitations of this technique into an asset. This simplicity makes her works more intriguing.

Takaiah was born in Central Europe in 1988, where she graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts, majoring in graphic arts.

Her works could be seen at collective exhibitions among others in Tokyo, Warsaw, Osaka, Kyoto and London.

She currently works under a pseudonym.

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Instagram: @takaiah_art

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